
Showing posts from February, 2018

Extraordinarily ordinary

Well, I suppose unless you're like Einstein,  BeyoncĂ© or Bill Gates, at some point in your life, you've felt as if you're as ordinary as ordinary comes. Or perhaps, it's just my insecurities showing me the true beauties in life. Maybe those of you, who are confident enough, never feel the stabbing pain of having to disappear into the background.  All my life, I've had trouble with fitting in, but at the same time, I've had so much pressure on myself because I was too ordinary. Don't even get me started on the paradox. I am full of pardoxes. (I'm hoping to address that on a later post)  I'm average in every aspect of life. I'm not too beautiful for someone to do a double take, not too ugly for someone to laugh behind my back. I was never the first in the class, but I was never the last either. You get the gist.  I've long since deemed that I need a sun to shine for me. I was always the moon. When the moon is out, people would talk as if the

Fighting my battle!

I'm sure everyone that's reading this thinks they've got me all figured out. It's just another girl, who has no "real" issues, but whines until she gets the attention she longs for. Well, you know what? You are probably right. I'm not even trying to deny that. I won't waste your time doing that. I see stories about people who have experienced things that could make the monsters in horror movies shudder. There have been countless times where I've felt completely and utterly helpless, and all it took was some TED speeches, and I was on my way to Happytown. Well, that's putting it lightly, but you get what I mean. Putting things in perspective was how I used to deal with my depression. Note that I did, in fact, use past tense. I was scrolling through my Newsfeed (as one does, when they're bored with no social life), and this Word Porn post caught my eye. It said something like, "if you shouldn't be sad because someone else has a more